AG Missionaries to Oaxaca, Mexico

AG Missionaries to Oaxaca, Mexico
Efrain & Catherine Figueroa, David, Jonathan, and Olivia

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Real Estate for the End Times

I have a confession. Sometimes I go online and ogle real estate. Just to see what’s our there. Efrain and I have only ever been homeowner’s once. We lived in a new home for a year and a half at the peak of the housing market. God used the sale of that house to pay off our college debt, a vehicle, and then, off to the mission field. We moved out of the practically pristine house before we ever painted it our own colors, or filled it with furniture and years of memories. Sometimes, looking at houses I imagine the comfort of the beautifully finished bathtubs with plentiful water, and clean perfect lines of tile and paint, with orderly smooth lines throughout. Then I imagine myself working at my nice paying job, going to church on Sunday, listening to the missionary speaker, and being moved to speed the coming of the Lord, to work in the last Harvest field. I imagine myself packing up my beautiful home, selling it all, and getting on the plane, full circle to right where I am now. 

You see, I know I can never really get away from The Call. I’ll never be able to not hear God speaking to me about where He wants me to be. I could only enjoy my beautiful home for a short while before I would once again feel the tug on my heart, the itch of the Holy Spirit to get moving, and in a moment of crazy abandon…obeying. You might as well obey The Call early and often because otherwise you will totally miss the adventure. The adventure is rarely glamorous, and the adventure won’t sustain you when things get bleak. But being in the perfect center of God’s will, trusting and obeying, is the real sweet spot. As they say...location, location, location.