AG Missionaries to Oaxaca, Mexico

AG Missionaries to Oaxaca, Mexico
Efrain & Catherine Figueroa, David, Jonathan, and Olivia

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

To God be the Glory

This last Sunday, our pastor preached on Ananias and Sapphira. They dropped dead for lying to God.
(Acts 4:32-35; 5:1-11)

As we say in California, "That's harsh." Why so violent a punishment? Where was the crime? They lied by pretending they were offering it all. The lying, I think, is intertwined with the hunger for glory. I think the real problem is they were trying to steal a piece of the glory. Reminds me of another biblical couple that were decieved when they were told they could "be like God." Maybe Ananias and Sapphira wanted people to whisper their name in praise of their generosity, even though it's direct opposition to the Holy Spirit's purpose for unity in the Church. It's no innocent mistake, it's the devisive, snake-like, sinister lie that would doom the Church if left untreated. They suffered a swift and serious consequence that left an IMPRINT on the future church from it's very beginnings. Makes you think twice about trying to sneak honor that belongs to God. It's the original sin all over again. Here's another illustration from Acts 12:

Herod came dressed in his royal robes. He sat down on his throne and made a speech. 22The people shouted, "You speak more like a god than a man!" 23At once an angel from the Lord struck him down because he took the honor that belonged to God. Later, Herod was eaten by worms and died.

Wow. God must mean business about this. He wants ALL the glory. It just gave me some food for thought for the week, and the desire to take personal inventory of my motives. Have I reached out my hand to squirrel away for a rainy day what belongs to God? or, Have I taken a moment of pleasure by recieving any praise that belongs to God? Am I relying on my own skills or talents to accomplish the work of the Holy Spirit? It was a good reflection for me this week.

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